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The Templar Agency

This website may very well get a full makeover so I can use it to advertise 'The Templar Agency' a security company I'm working on making, replete with uniforms, citizen's arrest forms, handcuffs, electric batons and a number of convicted felons ready to dawn the badge of Law Enforcement (security officer) and use their criminal minds to help catch current criminals. It is such a brilliant idea that is twofold because you greatly reduce the possibility of these former convicts from re-offending if they're part of Law Enforcement, and you catch the active criminal element using the former criminal element which should in turn help the authorities at least on some level.

These are my ideas for the uniform of the Agency a good Navy Blue color for the clothes and helmet with a palette of white and gold to spice up the flavor, I'm not exactly sure what I want for the belt buckle but the one I found seems decent enough. After everything is said and done each uniform set should cost around 1,000$. Expensive (The helmet is the most expensive part), but well worth it for the image I want to project. Of course all areas where we will be working we'll have to store a citizen's arrest form somewhere, I found this one below online and it looks really good. Perhaps in the future when we get some vehicles for the organization we can even transport these individuals just outside booking in the local county jail, make the job that much easier on local law enforcement. Of course we're not going to arrest people for simply trespassing (unless they refuse to leave) like Black Hills Patrol does and add a minor incident to the list of things a police officer has to deal with and clog up the court system with a relatively frivolous charge.

I created the Templar Agency as a non-profit church, I mean to get all those who work for the company to get together once a month to form a sort of Brotherhood like the Freemasons, this should have the effect of enriching the souls of those who work for the Agency. For some posts if there is quite a bit of downtime, I may have the 'constables' research corruption and document it. This would be a extension of the 'agents of israel' project, and the Agency also doubles as an Intelligence Agency so it wouldn't be outside the realm of duties to the Agency. Of course as the curator of hidden knowledge there is also a Ministerial aspect of this Agency, I am working on creating various 'letters' to address 'groups of people' on a spiritual level.

Of course as the Agency knows the 'secret' scriptural teachings of the Freemasons since we all read from the same bible we heartfully pride ourselves on the evangelization of these 'secret teachings' my plan is simple to follow the Knights Of Pythias manual that I have for setting up a 'lodge' for the Knights of Pythias, use the KoP rituals in lieu of those of our own making, and slowly transform from being Knights of Pythias, a Masonic Order, to a new Order. The Sanguine Order Of The Sith. Or 'the optimistic order of the peace' S.O.S. for short that's my plan at least.

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